All that comes
from my kitchen
has grown
in the heart.
- Paul Eluard Francia
Welcome to the Food Valley, a corner of Emilia where traditional flavors marry the beauty of nature. Where the Slow Food is a philosophy of life.
An Italian story
In the heart of Italy, between rows of trees and streams there is a land where the fertility of the soil and the ancient gastronomic traditions come together to create excellent food products. The PDO cured meats, typical of the Parma area, have an ancient history dating back to Roman times and even nowadays ,every salami, as well as every culatello, coppa and bacon, is controlled and certified by E.CE.PA, the Certification Body for Agri-Food Products.
Unmistakable flavors
Parmigiano Reggiano, with its unique flavor, finds its perfect setting in the Food Valley, thanks to the geological and orographic nature that allows the cultivation of fine herbs to be used for the feeding of dairy cows. The famous Parma sweet ham, created by the tradition of master ham makers with their artisanal spirit, takes up the challenge of quality, relaunching it in the industrial organization. Since the nineteenth century Parma has been a leader in the development of the food industry with an excellence in tomato processing.
Originality is a trademark
The originality of the innovations developed in the biological field and the validity of the plant solutions have led this area to establish itself as a true industrial food district. In addition to a multitude of micro and small enterprises, some large international leaders in the pasta and bakery sector also operate in the Parma area. In the same area there are also numerous companies in the food industry that provide mechanical and technological support for food production. In our Food Valley you can breathe the gastronomic culture built and improved over the centuries.
Production cycle
From the field to the table, a path of quality. From the choice of raw materials (vegetables and fruit) Agricor pays particular attention to quality, a philosophy that it also retains in the choice of cultivation areas from which it takes supply,in the use of cutting-edge agronomic techniques, and in the attention to the times and methods of picking.. A team of experts, laboratory technicians and agronomists carefully take care of every production step, always making sure to get the highest quality results for a genuine Italian brand.